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angry; easily or quickly showing anger

very angry; in a bad mood

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Cases of word usage

1) the firing of guns from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross (crossfire)

2) a model of a cross with the figure of Jesus on it (crucifix)

3) (an instance of) the act of putting a person to death, being put to death, on a cross (crucifixion)

4) to kill (a person) by nailing or tying her or him to a cross (crucify)

5) (to cross a river using) a shallow place where it is possible to walk or drive across (ford)

6) to divide (something) by cutting, passing or lying across; (of lines) to cross each other (intersect)

7) a system of lines, wires, etc that cross each other; a system of radio or television companies sharing programmes (network)

8) (an area of) loose, wet, deep sand which sucks down whatever tries to cross it (quicksand)

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