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1) (of plants, animals etc) growing or living in or near water (aquatic)

2) (kinds of) very small living things, many of which cause disease or help dead animals and plants to decay (bacteria)

3) food, or an imitation, used to attract fish or animals (bait)

4) bedclothes, straw etc for animals to sleep on (bedding)

5) the scientific study of the physical life of animals and plants (biology)

6) the fat of whales and other sea animals from which oil is obtained (blubber)

7) a person, business, that kills, cuts up and sells animals for food (butcher)

8) framework with wires or bars, used for birds or animals (cage)

9) the young of the cow and of the elephant, seal, whale and some other animals (calf)

10) one of the pointed nails on the feet of some animals and birds; a food with such nails (claw)


all the animals of an area or a period of history

animal world


(especially) farm animals kept for use or profit

animals raised on a farm


a grass-eating animal kept for its flesh as food (mutton) and its wool

animals raised on a farm

ANIMALS as in Wiktionary
ANIMALS as in Wikipedia