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a living thing that can feel and move about

beastlike; carnal

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Cases of word usage

1) a person or animal growing to full size and strength (adult)

2) an animal or person born without natural colouring matter in the skin, and hair (which is white) and the eyes (which are pink) (albino)

3) an animal able to live both on land and in water (amphibian)

4) the scientific study of the structure of animal bodies (anatomy)

5) a kind of animal like a deer, that can run very fast (antelope)

6) a small animal of South America with a shell of bony plates, able to roll itself into a ball when attacked (armadillo)

7) any animal of a group having jointed legs, a segmented body and a hard external skeleton, such as a crab, spider, beetle or centipede (arthropod)

8) a kind of dark-grey furry animal living underground and going about at night (badger)

9) a small animal like a mouse with large wings that flies at night and feeds on fruit and insects (bat)

10) a kind of large, heavy animal with thick fur (bear)

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