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approximately; a little more or less than

in an opposite direction

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Cases of word usage

1) to show, make known, something; learn about something (acquaint)

2) a measure of land, about 4000 square meters (acre)

3) a person growing up (aged about 12 to 18) (adolescent)

4) giving information how, when, where about a verb, such as happily, today, well, as in smile happily, come today, feel will (adverb)

5) opinion about what to do, how to behave (advice)

6) something to be done or thought about (affair)

7) an idea, suggestion etc. that one things about when it is almost too late (afterthought)

8) (of a) person who believes that nothing can be known about the existence of God (agnostic)

9) a book of months and days, with information about the sun, moon, tides, historical facts etc (almanac)

10) to run about wildly (especially with a desire to kill people) (amok)

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