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clever; capable; having or showing knowledge, skill

capable of performing; having an innate capacity

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Cases of word usage

1) doing things; able to do things; in the habit of doing things (active)

2) able to adapt or be adapted (adaptable)

3) (a substance, e.g. glue, that is) able to stick or join (adhesive)

4) (of a person) not able or willing to show feelings or take part (because nervous, arrogant etc) (aloof)

5) able to use the left hand and the right equally well (ambidextrous)

6) an animal able to live both on land and in water (amphibian)

7) (of) a substance (e.g. penicillin) produced by very small fungi, able to destroy bacteria (antibiotic)

8) (of) a chemical substance able to prevent disease, especially by destroying germs (antiseptic)

9) a substance able to reduce the effects of poison (antitoxin)

10) able to be supported with reasons (arguable)

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